◆A Petit House Project


A Petit House Project


 This time, I worked on1 Tasha’s feeding platform2.


 It’s a chair in my teaching room. Actually, to use the dead space3 in the room, I put two old chairs next to each other — which we don’t use any more.


  Since Ichigo likes nibbling4 Tasha’s cat food, we started putting Tasha’s food on top of one of the chairs which is a little bit high. And also, since Ichigo seldom5 comes upstairs and Tasha loves to spend most of the day upstairs, naturally Tasha’s feeding spot is on the 2nd floor.  


  Tasha eats only dry food, but when she chews it, sometimes a piece flies out of the bowl. Maybe because of that, I noticed several tiny moldy6 spots on the cloth of the chair. For hygenic reasons, I jumped on7 the project.


  I tore the cloth off8 of the top of the chair and threw that away9, and I washed the inner quilted cloth that I had put on before (yes, I did this before). After the cloth dried, I put it back and on top of that, I put the new cloth, stapled it down10, sewed11 the corners to make nice curving lines, and voila!





  Now Tasha, has a nice clean place to enjoy her food, and a nice clean place to ponder12.




1 work on ~  : ~に取り組む
2 platform  : 台
3 dead space : 使わない場所
4 nibble  : つまみ食いをする
5 seldom  : ほとんど~ない
6 moldy : カビの生えた
7 jump on ~ : ~に飛びつく
8 tear ~ off ~ : ~を剥ぎ取る
9 throw ~ away : ~を捨てる
10 staple ~ down : ~をホチキスの針で留める
◆11 sew : ~を縫う
◆12 ponder : 沈思する




















































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