◆A Treat for Tonight!

A Treat for Tonight!


  Ta da! Tonight we had a fun treat1 


  After dinner, "somebody" in our family said "I want to eat something sweet." and that somebody made these beautiful roses quickly while I was teaching the last class of the day.


  Who made it? Our kido! Just sliced apples and pie crust2 can make these pretty things. According to our patîssière, the recipe was on somebody’s facebook.
(These modern tools are amazing. We can’t deny3 some negative effects4 of smartphones on younger kids, but there are for sure5 some positive aspects6, too, and young people are good at using them. Thanks to that, we tasted this benefit tonight!)


  We put some powdered sugar7 and cinnamon on top of them. They were very good!! The petals8 of roses were really pretty, and they added some special feeling to them. We really enjoyed our night time treats! Thanks, kido!




  ……Wait a moment! I remembered that the original plan was chocolate brownies. Could somebody post9 how to make good brownies on Facebook? Then, maybe next time, thanks to SNS, brownies will be on our table.\(^-^)/ Sorry for being so greedy10. f(^-^;)




1 treat : お菓子(元は「楽しませるもの」
2 pie crust : パイ生地
3 deny : ~を否定する
4 effect : 効果・影響
5 for sure : 確かに
6 aspect : 側面
7 powdered sugar : 粉砂糖
8 petal : 花びら
9 post : ~を掲示する
10 greedy : 食い意地のはった・欲深い

1 単数で集合的に使う方法も、複数で個々を数える使い方も有り。

9 発音注意![poust]






























 ・・・・・・あれ?ちょっと待てよ。そう言えば、最初はブラウニーを作る予定だったような。どなたかフェイスブックに美味しいブラウニーの作り方をアップしてくれますか?そうすると、SNSのお陰で、次は私たちの食卓にブラウニーが出てくるかも\(^-^)/ 欲張りでゴメンなさい。f(^-^;)
















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