◆A Yellow Golden Carpet

A Yellow Golden Carpet




  It was a breathtaking1 moment!


  Last Sunday, when Will and I went to a home center to buy some food for Ichigo, the normal scenery2 next to the store had been enchanted3 while we were away from it for 2 weeks. A vast yellow golden carpet of rice was spread right in front of us! When we were driving, after turning a corner, this huge bright yellow carpet suddenly appeared in front of us and shocked us. Unreal4!!! (The photo doesn’t show even one-tenth5 of the whole picture6.)


  For most of the summer, the rice fields are light green, and they are beautiful, but in this season they become really special. And this whole wonderful change looks so precious7 that it makes me think that ancient people must have thought that the rice is a blessing8 from heaven. They plant the seeds and grow them, and just before harvesting, the rice shines and then provides them with a wonderful staple food9


  Speaking of the rice harvest, there is a saying which goes "Minoru hodo, kobe wo tareru inaho kana" — if I put it in English, "The more noble the man is, the more humble he is." While I was watching this, this proverb came to mind.


  … while I was checking this proverb in English, I made an amazing discovery. The founder10 of the camera company Minolta used the meaning  "Minoru ta"( rice fields ready for harvest) from this proverb — even though it is also said the name comes from "Machinery and Instruments Optical by Tashima."


  A rice field is more than just a field, isn’t it?



◆1 breathtaking, : 息をのむような
◆2 scenery
: 風景、景色
◆3 enchanted : 魔法をかけられたような*
◆4 unreal : 超現実的な、素晴らしい
◆5 one-tenth : 10分の1
◆6 the whole picture : 全体像
◆7 precious
: 貴重な
◆8 blessing : 神の賜物
◆9 staple food : 主食 
◆10 founder : 創設者

3  Winnie-the-Pooh の住む The Hundred Acre Wood も enchanted と説明されていますよ!

4 女性が使うファンデーションも、英語ではfoundation。found(基礎を作る)で共通しています。





























 米の収穫と言えば、「実るほど頭を垂れる(の下がる)稲穂かな」という諺がありますね。— 英語で説明すると(訳)「人は立派になればなるほど、謙虚になる。」* この光景を見ていたとき、この諺が心に浮かんで来ました。



 ・・・そして、この諺の英語表現を調べていたとき*、面白い発見をしました。カメラメーカーのミノルタの創始者は、この諺より「実る田」の意味合いをその名前に込めたんだそうです。— 「田嶋の光学の機械と道具」(の英語表記)にその名前の由来があるとも言われていますが。







*辞書に載っている表現“The boughs that bear most hang lowest"は、「実った穂は頭を下げる」と物理的に説明しているだけです。



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