◆Autumn Is Here!

Autumn Is Here!

  The scorching1 heat is gone! How nice it is
to feel a nice and cool AND DRY breeze!


  For the last three weeks, which I barely survived after catching a cold and struggling with the fatigue2 from the heat during the summer, I couldn’t pay any attention to3 what was going on in the world around me.


  Finally my battery is 80% charged, so I decided to walk outside and boost4 my spirits. Amazingly just  a 10-minute walk gave me a lot of information on the change of the season.



  First, Mizuhikigusa. Actually I noticed it started blooming a while ago5, but I hadn’t taken a photo yet, so I did today. Since it’s one of my favorite favorite plants, when it comes out, it catches my eyes6 quickly. The red teeny tiny flowers, which are the size of a grain7 of rice, always make me say  to them  "Oh, how cute!" When you like something, there’s no reason, right? I just love them !



  This is also one of my favorites8. After a while, these flowers turn to9 golden brown berries. I always make wreathes to decorate here and there10 in the house. These creepers11 go on and on, so one long creeper can make a nice wreath. The bad news is even though they have such cute little flowers, the name is Hekuso Kazura. ( Please forgive me for translating it into English, but it’s called "fart and shit vine". Who gave it that awful name? (-0-) )        



  At the end of this report on the plants we can enjoy now, I want to ask the readers a favor. What’s this? I was attracted to it by the shape of the leaves and the berries as well, but I don’t know the name. I’ll try to find it by myself on the Internet, but if somebody knows, please let me know! ( You can use our HP inquiry mail.)

  Carrying a camera while walking is quite nice, I thought. People tend to look carefully and pay more attention to details. It will take you to the land of discovery!


◆1 scorching : 焼けつくような
fatigue : 疲れ
◆3 pay attention to ~ : ~に注意を向ける
◆4 boost :
◆5 a while ago : しばらく前に
◆6 catch one’s eyes
: ~の目に留まる      
◆7 grain : 粒
◆8 favorite(s) : 大好きなもの
◆9 turn to ~ : ~に変わる
◆10 here and there : あちらこちらで
◆11 creeper : つる

8 「お気に入りの」という形容詞、「お気に入りのもの」という名詞、どちらもあります。
11 もとになっている動詞creepは「はう」の意味。It’s creepy.のように形容詞で「身の毛がよだつ」とも使います。






































 これも私のお気に入りの一つ。しばらくすると、この花は金茶色の実になります。私はそれで、家のあちこちを飾るリースを作ります。このつるはどんどん伸びるので、一本のつるで十分一つのリースが作れます。残念なことに、こんな可愛らしい花を咲かせるのに、名前は「ヘクソカズラ」。(英語になおすのもはばかられるのですが「ヘとクソのツル」と呼ばれています。誰がこんなにヒドイ名前をつけたのでしょう?(-0-) )
























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