◆Bird Report 2

Bird Report 2



   3 days ago, when Will came back from a dog walk in the morning, he showed me this photo of a red spotted woodpecker. 


  Right behind our house, water runs1 in a canal. Along that canal, there are trees, stretching their branches2 above the water. On one of those branches, he was sitting that morning. …And Will took his photo!


 Bright red spots behind the head and near the tail make him so charming, don’t they? When I see that red color, the contrast of black and white and the pattern just above the tail, it’s hard to believe he was created just naturally.  



  ・・・and he is a Long-tailed Rose Finch. Oh, isn’t he so cute in3 his pink suit? I’ve never seen this kind of refined4 soft pinkish color on birds in my life. Amazing! Just amazing! He was on Dainenji Yama, just a 10-minute walk from our place.


( I started writing with "she", and Will said, "No. This is he."  Oopsie!!!5 /(@-@;) I’ve got to be careful not to be prejudisted6. Now I’ve started to feel that he is a transvestite7. )
It is said that the prettier ones are male, but …. even when it’s pink??? I’m confused!)



  ・・・and this is a Hawfinch. He was at Gamo, which is about a 25-minute drive from our house . His shape, the color coordination, and the patchwork-like pattern are just perfect, aren’t they? Really. Who on earth8 created such a pretty bird? Oh my, oh my!


 I’m writing these bird reports, but I’m not a birder. I’m just a person who lives with a birder.

…but now you probably can tell9 how much fun it is to be with a birder, not to mention to be a birder. I’m sure that it won’t take much time for me to turn into10 a birder. You, too, some day? (^-^)


◆1 run : 流れる 
◆2 branch : 枝 

◆3 in ~ : ~を着ている 
◆4 refined : 上品な
◆5 oopsie! = oops!    
◆6 prejudiced : 偏見を持っている 
◆7 transvestite : 異性服装倒錯者 
◆8 on earth : 一体全体

◆9 can tell = understand

◆10 turn into ~ : ~になる


1 runは道が「通る」にも使われます。日本語でも、「道が走っている」と言う感覚と丁度同じです。

5 更に長いバージョン Oops-a-daisy! もありますよ!(^-^)v 

鳥レポート 2





































 (初め「彼女」で書き始めたのですが、「違うよ。雄だよ。」と言われました。おっと!!! /(@-@;)  偏見を持っちゃいけないですね。でも、何だか女性の服を喜んで着る人のように見えてきた。)
確かに鳥はキレイな方が雄と言われますよね。でも……それがピンクでも??? ん~、ちょっと混乱!)
























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