


  Our proparation for Halloween actually starts way1 early. It’s in June when Will puts the  pumpkin seeds in water. After soaking the seeds in water2 for 1 or 2 days, they are moved into dirt3 in a pot. After sprouting, they are planted in the soil4


  THEN, a long struggle  follows ; protect the roots from being attacked by moles, pollinate5 the flowers and check if they bear fruit( sometimes unfortunately baby fruit dissapear suddenly because they get rotten6), spray diluted7 milk on the leaves to control white mold, make sure to water enough for the pumkin to grow, et cetera, et cetera. They grow in summer so you can forget to water them. And thank you, Will, he does everything!! 


  Our record so far was 52kg. This year ….. Will couldn’t beat8 it (-_-;). It was 48kg. When a pumkin is this heavy, it’s quite a difficult task9 even for an adult guy to move it after cutting it from the stem.  


  OK !  Here come the Jack-o’-lanterns which were made with our big pumkin and a pumkin that our neighbor gave us. This year, we made them spooky10.   




  And like last year, at the college where I teach, my students brought their hand-made pumkin sweets and we all shared some happy halloween time. How sweet ! *






  Trivia : Halloween comes from the Celtic11 festival, Samhain. November 1 was the start of the new year, and it was believed that the day before, on All Hallows Eve, the world of dead people and the world of living people overlapped12. The dead13 might attack us, so we have to disguise14 ourselves in scary constumes that will trick them into believing15 that we are also zombies… (+0+)/


◆1    way  =  very     
soak ~ in water : ~を水につける   
◆3  dirt : 土  
◆4   soil :  土
◆5   pollinate : ~に受粉する 
◆6   get rotten : 腐る 
◆7   dilute : ~を薄める 

◆8   beat : ~を打ち負かす
◆9   task : 仕事 

◆10 spooky : 不気味な 

◆11 Celtic : ケルト民族の
◆12 overlap : 重なる 
◆13 the dead : 死人
◆14 disquise : 変装する 
◆15 trick
into doing : (人)を~するようだます

* 生徒たちが「優しい」とお菓子が「甘い」を掛けてみました!
  Did you notice that? (^-^) 





















































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