◆Itsy-bitsy Spider 3

Itsy-bitsy Spider 3


  The third and last interesting thing about spiders is ・・・ "Balloon cradles1" The diameters are about 5mm.


  To tell you the truth2, these were in our house until very recently f(^-^;) but they were so interesting and unusual, and moreover I wanted to see what would happen with my own eyes, I had been intentionally3 keeping them and observing them for the last 6 weeks4.


  From one "balloon cradle", baby spiders made their journey to5 the real world about 3 weeks ago. And from the second balloon cradle (you can see the babies still sleeping6 in this photo), the babies set out7 on their own8 about a week ago.  You can see the exit that they made in the one shaped like a heart. The part which looks like a main artery9 coming out of the heart is the exit. The babies were miniature like 1mm long or even less. They were so tiny and cute that I decided to let them be10 ( Uh-oh ! ), so they must be enjoying themselves SOMEWHERE IN OUR HOUSE right now.


  By the way, have you seen "Volvox", a kind of green algae? Since I saw it for the first time in "Good night song" on the NHK TV program "2355", I became a big fan of that little creature. These spider’s eggs kind of look like that. ( I recommend you check Volvox on the web. I’m sure this microbe will take your breath away11.)



◆1   cradle : 揺りかご           
◆2   to tell (you) the truth
  : 実を言うと   
◆3   intentionally
= on purpose : わざと 
◆4   for the last 6 weeks : ここ6週間
◆5   make a journey to ~ : ~に旅をする
◆6   see the babies sleeping : 赤ちゃんたちが眠っているのを見る(第5文型)
◆7   set out = 出発する
◆8   on one’s own
= by oneself : 自分自身で
◆9   a main artery 
: 大動脈 
◆10 let ~ be
◆11 take one’s breath away : (直訳)~の息を奪う

※10 let ~ beはThe Beetlesの"Let it be"もこれですよ!「あるがままに」「なすがままに」のように訳されていますね。ちなみに、歌詞に出てくるMother Maryはマリア様と訳させているときもありますが、本当は亡くなった自分のお母さんメアリーのことを指しているんだそうです。




イッツィ・ビッツィ・スパイダー 3













 実を言うと、これらはごく最近まで家の中にあったんです。f(^-^;)  でも、とても私の興味をそそるもので、普通はあまり目にしないもの、そして何と言っても、私はこの目で何が起こるのかを見届けたかったので、この6週間のあいだあえて取らずに、ずっと観察していました。



















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