◆Our Business Sign

Our Business Sign


  Hooray !1 I finally did it !!
 How many days had it been bothering me? How many times did I look at that from the corner of my eye2, thinking that "I’ve got to do it." However, I finally fixed our business sign, and now it looks good!


 Three times a year, I refinish our business sign. What I do is sandpaper3 the sign and using a burning iron4, burn the letters on the sign — "Welcome to Our えいごのきょうしつ


 Will says "Why don’t you paint it so that you don’t have to bother doing that again?" That’s really true, but I like it without paint or varnish. Just the natural surface of the wood is something that I think goes with our garden. So, to stick to that idea, it requires occasional maintenance. 


 Often there is a timelag between when I think I have to work on it and when I actually take action. /(^-^;) However, once I start, I always enjoy this project. I use a burning iron to darken5 the letters on the sign which had faded away6 after being exposed to7 the rain and the sun. The smell of burnt wood fills the room, which is quite nice. It’s really relaxing.


( Half way through8 the job. You can see how much the letters had faded away in the last few months. )


( This is the burning iron that I use.)


 This time, I burned "えいごのきょうしつ" as usual, but for the English "Welcome to Our" part, I shaded9 the letters for fun10 so that the letters stand out.


 Well, if you have a chance to walk by, check it out !




◆1   hooray ll : やったー。           
◆2   from the corner of my eye  : 横目で   
◆3   sandpaper(v.)
: ~にやすりをかける 
◆4   a burning iron : 焼きごて
◆5   darken : ~を濃くする            
◆6   fade away : (色が)あせる           
◆7   expose to ~ :~にさらす
◆8   half way through : ~の半分まで来て
◆9   shade : ~に影を付ける
◆10 for fun : お楽しみで





 年に3回、私はこの看板の表面がきれいにします。板の表面にやすりをかけ、焼きごてを使って、「Welcome to Our えいごのきょうしつ」という文字を焼きます。



やらなきゃと思うときと、実際に取り掛かるときの間には、時間差がしばしば発生します。/(^-^;) でも、一度始まると、いつも楽しくなってしまいます。雨や太陽にさらされた看板の文字は色があせてしまっています。私は、その文字を濃くするのに焼きごてを使います。焼かれた木の匂いが部屋一面に広がるんです。なんともいい匂いです。とても気持ちが安らぎます。























 今回は「えいごのきょうしつ」はいつものように焼き、「Welcom to Our」の英語の部分は、ちょっと遊び心で影を付けてみました。そうすると、文字が浮かび上がって見えるので。









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