◆Our Repainted Business Sign and a Little Accident!


Our Repainted Business Sign
and a Little Accident!



  We are now on a restart-our-life campaign. We started working in our garden, re-organized some plants around the front door to welcome our students, and I repainted our business sign.


  Since I made the sign with wood and want to keep a natural look — meaning keeping the board just lightly painted, I have to fix it about every 2 years1.


  Recently the board is getting old so I hide it with a touch of white paint. To make it look natural, I put some paint on a rag2 and rub3 it on to the board like this:


   I used to burn4 the letters with a wood burning tool, but the last two times I painted them, so I painted them this time, too. 


  After the basic tone was done, I worked on the letters at night. For me, a night owl5, night is a fun time at the end of the day and this painting job was mindless6 work, so I thought that was a perfect thing to do, enjoying one of my favorite YouTube channels at the same time7. This would proved to be8 a mistake later!


  That night, very luckily, the sudden live streaming9 of my favorite musician started. I was so excited and I was enjoying his talk and performnace, trying not to miss any word and note that he made.

  After a while, I finished painting (even though I was listening to YouTube seriously, my hands kept working on painting.) Just about when I was going to tell myself "OK! It is done!", what I saw10 was….


  OH, NOOOOOO!!!!! 
  How come it’s weloome?


  I was painting from R, like RUO OT EMOCLEW. That was one reason that I was not really paying attention, but the biggest reason was that his performance was so hypnotizing11 that my brain forgot to work. (That’s not my bad!)


  After that, I carefully scraped the paint off12 with sandpaper and resurfaced the board with white paint and fixed the mistake. Now our business sign is out there, pretending like nothing happened.



1 every 2 years : 2年ごとに
2 a rag  : ボロ布
3 rub  : こする
4 burn  : ~を焼く
5 a night owl : 夜更かしする人
6 mindless  : 頭を使わない
7 at the same time  : 同時に
8 prove to be  : ~であると証明する
9 stream  : 流す
◆10 what S + V : SがVするもの・こと
◆11 hypnotize : ~に催眠をかける・~を魅了する
◆12 scrape ~ off  : ~を削り取る














































   何故 Weloome?

 ROU OT EMOCLEWと逆行してRから塗って行ったんです。注意を払っていなかったのが一つの原因。でも、最大の原因は彼の演奏があまりに魅力的で、私の脳はお休みしてしまった…(私のせいじゃないもん!)










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