◆Our Sunday


Our Sunday


  This Sunday, it was really hot and muggy, wasn’t it? However, we had a nice Sunday. First, we took our dog, Ichigo, to the vet and came back home. Then, we had a late breakfast with English muffins, which is our regular Sunday breaky menu. 


  After that, Will, me and Ichigo, who was happy to be free from the nervous visit to the vet, jumped into the car again, and off we went to our friend’s jewelry show.


  We were exited to spend our Sunday in a different way than our usual routine. Even finding the gallery was already a little adventure. We enjoyed trying some new roads with a little map that our friend had given us in our hands. 


  The gallery was in a building which has a little funky place on the first floor, so first we couldn’t tell if we were at the right place or not. I called my friend and she came out to fetch us. Then, we all climbed up the stairs which had some interesting artsy decolations, and there we were, at the door of the artsy wonderland!


  Once we opened the door, there was a very nice space with many treasures. The room was really simple but warm with nice handmade wooden flooring, and we could see a lot of handmade things, like shirts, pants and scarves made from cotton and linen, and of course, in the center was a jewelry table of our friend’s work. 


  I’ll show you some of her stuff. We always enjoy her nice, soft and natural taste, with a touch of humor sometimes.








  These were made by Suzanne, our friend who I have talked about in my blog several times before. The show is until the 14th of July so please visit there if you are interested. ( For details, google it by typing "Colors of Summer, Suzanne".)


  In a comfortable space, meeting our friend and the very nice owner of the gallery, and seeing (and of course buying) some handmade work, we had a nice Sunday afternoon!


  Talking about handmade stuff, now I remember  the Handmade Fair of Oyakushi-san will be held on the 8th. This time, the 8th sits on Sunday. I feel like going!












 そのあと、ウィルと私といちご -– お医者さんに行ったドキドキから解放されて幸せな — は、もう一度車に飛び乗り、友人のジュエリー展へ。



















































 これらは私が以前度々ブログで話していた私たちの友人スザンヌの作品です。7月14日までやっていますので、興味があったら是非足を運んでみてください。(詳しくは、Colors of Summer, Suzanneと入力してググってみてください。)



































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