◆Still there?

Still There?


  In the Hirose River, this year again, a bunch of1 swans spent winter. They make our neighborhood really peaceful. I always enjoy seeing2 people feeding3 them and swans eagerly waiting to be fed4. They could be owls, too. I mean night owls5! Sometimes when I stay up late6, I can’t see them in the dark, but I can hear them splashing water or talking (quacking? hmm more like cooing) to each other.
  Most of them have flown away by now, but there are still two left.

  That worries me because sometimes they stay because they are injured7 and can’t fly. Actually 2 years ago, that happened. I heard somebody contacted the city and they took him/her away somewhere.

  Today I went down to the river and saw the two. They looked totally fine. I was relieved8. I wondered if they are thinking about leaving after seeing the cherry blossoms?



  It’s going to be sad, but everybody knows that they have to move to a colder area. We’ll see you next year again — have a safe trip!

  … While I was writing this, they were out there. This photo was taken from my room, so it’s a bit blurry9, but can you see two dots above my plants? What cuties10!


1 a bunch of ~ : 一群れの~
2 enjoy + doing : ~するのを楽しむ
3 see + O + doing : ~が…するのを見る
4 feed : 餌を与える
5 night owl  : 夜更かしの人
6 stay up late : 夜更かしする
◆7 injured : 傷ついた
8 relieved : 安心した
9 blurry : ぼやけている
10 cutie : カワイ子ちゃん





















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