◆Sugar Cookies with Icing


Sugar Cookies with Icing



  The first week of this month, I was working on my Italian for the exam. The second week, I was working on my taxes. The third week, I was hopping around1 hospitals for my various health check-ups2. They are finally done. Now, I will catch up with3 my blog. (Actually, I had been keeping this topic for a while for my blog.)


  Ta-da! This is it! 


  For the first time in my life, I made sugar cookies WITH ICING!! Look at this! Aren’t they lovely? I had been wanting to try this for a long long time, and finally did it! It was really fun, and amazingly, it was not as difficult as4 it may look.


 To tell the truth, there is a story behind this. I didn’t do this voluntarily5. First some Ampan-man cookies were made by a younger member of the family. As they were baked, the color of the cheeks faded away6. Then, I came up with the idea of fixing that problem with icing!


  I’m accustomed to making7 soft icing for cinnamon rolls, but not hard icing like this. So, I looked it up8 on a recipe site. Not knowing how much is enough, I made too much! Then, I made some more cookies and tried to use up9 the rest of10 the icing.




  It’s easy — just egg whites11, powdered sugar12, and food coloring13. We can buy food coloring made with natural ingredients14. It was really fun! 


  Actually, I still had some leftover15, so I finished using it by decorating some store-bought biscuits, too.






1 hop around ~ : ~を飛び回る
2 a health check-up : 検診
3 catch up with ~  : ~に追いつく
4 not as ~ as …  : …ほど~ではない
5 voluntarily : 自発的に
6 fade away : 色があせる
7 be accustomed to + doing  : ~することに慣れている
8 look ~ up  : ~を調べる
9 use up ~  : ~を使い切る
10 the rest of ~  : 残りの~
◆11 egg white : 卵白
◆12 powdered sugar : 粉砂糖
◆13 food coloring  : 食紅
◆14 ingredient  : 材料・原料
◆15 leftover : 残り物















































 アイシングは簡単!— 卵白と粉砂糖と食紅のみ。食紅は天然の素材から作られたものが買えるんです。本当に楽しく作ることが出来ました!







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