◆Tree Cutting

Tree Cutting

  Maybe, because of this nice weather, we have some projects every weekend. This weekend, I cut our eucalyptus tree. Well, it’s more like clipped1 the branches2.  
  The big orangish cicada3 on the ladder4 is me, and you can see how many branches were cut down in the second photo. 
  We love the scent5 of eucalyptus and planted a little eucalyptus tree, which was about 80cm tall. In the blink of an eye6, it almost reached to the top of the house — just like Jack and the Bean Stalk7!
  We liked it there because it softens the corner of the boxy shape of the house, but it started worrying us. On a windy day, the branches are blown so badly that the part of the tree of which is tied to the house squeeks8 as if it were9 going to wreck10 our house. So before this tall tree gets even taller and out of our control, we decided to cut the top and trim11 the branches. 
 We borrowed a long ladder from our neighbor, and I climbed up the ladder and worked on the tree. Now it looks much better than before! When we returned the ladder to our neighbor, he said to me "it looks like some professional did it." I don’t know(^-^;), but for sure12 it was fun to climb that high and see the world with Jack’s eyes!
1 clip : 切り取る・切り抜く
2 branch :
3 cicada : セミ
4 ladder : はしご
5 scent : 香り
6 in the blink of an eye : あっという間に
◆7 stalk : 茎・幹
8 squeek : キーキーと音を立てる
9 as if S + V(past) : まるで~のように
10 wreck : ~をダメにする
11 trim : ~を切り詰める
◆12 for sure : 確かに・間違いなく

4 ストッキング(pantyhose)が伝線することを英語では I’ve got a ladder(梯子が出来た)と言います。

7 日本語では「ジャックと豆の木」と言いますが、確かに豆は「木」になりませんからね~。























































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