Babies were born!!


Babies were born!!


  After I wrote the last blog, the mama bulbul laid 2 more eggs, and as we read on the Internet, the mama bulbul started warming the eggs in the nest after she laid1 the fifth one, which was on Saturday, the 18th.


  I cut a small hole in the paper screen2 of the window, and started peeking at3 the nest every day and night4. It was amazing — the mama bulbul kept warming the eggs day after day5 even if it was raining or windy or scorching6 hot. I really worried about her.


  This morning, Will said "I think something happened. They are all gone!" I was scared and ran upstairs7 to my room and peeked at the nest. The mom was not there and I couldn’t see the eggs. I almost panicked, but when I was closely8 looking into9 the nest, I saw pale pink thing moving. It was a baby bulbul!


  First, I saw one. Then, I saw one more. The reason that the mom was not there was she went somewhere to look for food. Soon she came back and started feeding them.




  When the mom again flew away to get some food, I took this photo. I wanted to count how many babies were hatched10. There were five!


  We are so excited!! We hope they will grow up big and strong11! Keeping our fingers crossed12

1 lay ~ : (卵)を産む
paper scrren : 障子
3 peek at ~ : ~をちらりと見る
4 every day and night : いつも

5 day after day : 来る日も来る日も
6 scorching : 焼け付くような

◆7 run upstairs : 上階に駆け上がる
8 closely : 細心の注意を払って
9 look into ~ : ~をよく調べる
10 hatch : (卵が)かえる
11 grow up big and strong : 健康にたくましく育つ
◆7 keep one’s fingers crossed : 幸運を祈る





















































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