Birds’ Life around Me


Birds’ Life around Me


  It was getting warmer, but now we have cold and rainy days. Of course, it is not much fun for spring, but I have 2 reasons to appreciate1 this. One! Cherry blossom season will be pushed a bit later. Two! The swans in the Hirose River are not going to fly away.
  Last week, when it was getting warmer, every time I saw them I thought maybe it will be the last time to see them. However, it’s a bit chilly2 so they haven’t flown away. And also, if it is raining, I’m quite sure that they won’t leave for their long journey because it takes more energy to fly in the rain. So I’m kind of happy to have this cold spring weather.
  And one more bird story! Do you remember that I talked about bulbuls3 last summer? (I talked about them on my blog on June, 16, 30 and July 17.)
  After they hatched4, I wanted to have their nest for myself because it was made so elaborately5 and I didn’t want to let it go bad6. Since I don’t know their habits7, I decided to wait until I felt quite sure they won’t come back. I was thinking that it’s enough if I wait until winter. 
  At about the end of February, I remembered that and started to think about taking it. One day, I noticed that in the branches of the connifer where the bulbul couple made the nest, there were some birds, relatively big, making some noises —  chirping often and moving from branch to branch.
  2 days after that, I opened the window, thinking I would take the nest … Gone!! The nest was gone! All I found was just one piece of white plastic string that they used to hold the nest tight to the branches.
  I thought maybe what I heard 2 days before was their demolishing their nest to use in a different place? or just hiding the evidence8 of their life?
  A few days later, when I was going to show my student that one string which was dextrously9 woven10 to the brances, I found that even that last piece was gone. I am sure it couldn’t be untangled11 just by the wind, so probably they destroyed it. Wow! I totally missed my chance.


My dream to keep the nest for myself was not realized, but maybe some time in the future. I hope I’ll have another chance.

 This is the photo I got at the end — just branches,


   but here is the evidence that there was a nest and a white plastic string.

1 appreciate : ど真ん中
chilly : 飼いならされる
◆3 bulbul = come (and) sit
◆4 hatch : ご褒美
◆5 elaborately : 入念に
◆6 go bad : 悪くなる
◆7 habit : 習性
◆8 evidence : 証拠
◆9 dexterously : 器用に・巧みに
◆10 woven : <weave (~を織る・編む)
◆11 untangle : ~をほどく
10 活用は weave – wove – woven

















 そして、鳥の話がもう一つ。昨年の夏、ヒヨドリについて話したのを覚えていますか?(6/16, 30, 7/17にこちらのブログで話しています。)













































写真の説明(1) 最終的に撮れた写真—枝だけ











写真の説明(2) でも巣と白いビニール紐があった証拠 

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