◆Mother’s Day Flowers

Mother’s Day Flowers


  For Mother’s Day, I got some dark and light pink carnations and black 4-leaf clovers. On the morning of any festive event, my family always puts some flowers on the table in the living room.


 The flowers were of course very pretty and I loved them, but I was also impressed by the pretty shape of a leafy something that was in a supporting roll1 with the carnation bouquet2.  Its purpose is to add some extra green and make the carnations stand out more, but I loved it for itself. The leaves alternate3in a regular order, and I can’t really explain nicely but it reminds me of Epi, a kind of French bread with a chain of small sliced pieces of bread with bacon in the center. ( This French word "Epi" means "ears" of wheat. )


 Sometimes I just can’t get over4 what beautiful things Nature can produce.  


 Speaking of what grabs my heart5 in the natural world, here is one more thing—Dance Party, a relatively new species of hydrangea. We started seeing them in stores aound a year ago. This year, we can bump into them quite often. Not to mention its color and luxurious appearance, the shape of the petals6 are unbelievable. They are multilayered7, well, triplelayered to be correct. The more you see the petals, the more mezmerized8 you’ll be by what nature can create.



Acturally, I got this purplish pinkish Dance Party for Mom for Mother’s day. My mom really liked it.


 And thank God ! My mom can read my mind or what? When we were about to leave her house, she said "I’ll plant a cutting9 for you." 


 THANK YOU, MOM !!  p(> <)q



◆1   a supporting roll : 脇役           
◆2   bouquet  : 花束    
◆3   alternate
: 交互に出る       
◆4   can’t get over : ~を信じる
◆5   grab one’s heart : ~の心をつかむ            
◆6   petal(s) : 花びら            
◆7   multilayered : 八重の
◆8   mesmerized : 魅了された
◆9   put a cutting : 差し芽をする

2 元はフランス語。日本語では「ブーケ」といいますが、













 自然の中で私の心をつかむものと言えば、ここにもう一つ — ダンスパーティーという比較的新しい紫陽花の品種。去年あたりからお店で見るようになりましたが、今年は結構よく目にします。その色と豪華な見た目はもちろんのこと、花びらのかたちが・・・もうこれがたまらない。花びらは八重、正確に言うと三重。この花びらを見れば見るほど、自然が作り出すものに魅了されちゃいます。
















 おかあさん、ありがとう!! p(> <)q

























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