My Crow Friends


My Crow Friends (by Will)



  They are highly intelligent, loving1 parents and beautiful if you look carefully! Of course they’ll eat anything  — like our garbage2 — so many people don’t like them.


  I have been feeding a family of crows for a couple of years now. I read an article3 about a young girl who was feeding crows and the crows began to bring her presents – shiny things like bolts, bottle caps and keys!


  The crows, whose territory includes my house, are Carrion Crows. I only put food down in front of my house when the crow are watching. I never put food out if the crows are not there, otherwise4 it might attract5 many unwanted visitors.


  It took them a while to get used to6 me but gradually started to understand that I was a food source7 – and a friend! I also always use the same sound when offering food. I always call, ‘Hey crow, hey crow’ many times.


  After a while I changed the way I was feeding them. I reward8 them only if they come close. Now they get pretty close but unfortunately won’t land on my shoulder yet…


  Watching the crows for these 2 years has been really interesting! There are 3 in this family, the mom, the dad and the child that was born 2 years ago. (Crow kids stay with their parents for a long time, and even help the parents raise new kids!)


  Recently it’s only the male who comes to me. When he sees me, he dives down9 about 50 meters to me. When my wife is outside the door, he somtimes shows up asking for a treat10. The juvenile11 is out playing with his friends (that’s the baby in the first picture with the white in the wings!), and of course this is the nesting season so the female is on the nest.


  I’m looking forward to meeting some new family members… and I’m still waiting for shiny presents!


1 loving : 愛情に満ちた
2 garbage : (生)ゴミ

3 an article : 記事
4 otherwise : そうしないと
5 attract : ~を惹きつける
6 get used to ~ : ~に慣れる

◆7 a food source : 食料をくれる人
8 reward : ~にご褒美をあげる

◆9 dive down : 高い所から飛び降りてくる
treat : おやつ
11 juvenile : 青少年、若者

















 僕は2年間カラスの親子に餌をあげています。カラスに餌をあげていの女の子の記事を読んだのがきっかけ。カラスはその女の子にプレゼントを持って来るようになりました — ボルトやボトルの蓋や鍵などのキラキラしたものを。








































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