New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve

  In our family, we have a Christmas tree out until the end of the year. We adopted1 the Western style when we got married. Since the festive2 season continues
up to New Year’s day3( actually, in Western society, some people are on vacation from Christmas until New Year’s day ), this also makes sense4 even though that was different from what I was used to.
First it seemed a bit strange for me to keep seeing the Christmasy stuff5 after Christmas, but after a few years, it was not so strange to have
hearwarming6 decorations around the house for this evenful season.

 Actually I like it now! This is such a busy time of the year.
So, this is perfect timing for us to take down the Christmas tree when our work is done, writing New Year’s cards is done, the hectic time is over, and set our mind ready to welcome the new year.

 This is a good-bye photo for this year’s Christmas tree with our cutie canine7 daughter. A bit too much, maybe!?・・・
(She didn’t seem to mind, though)


                                                   Happy New Year !!




◆1   adopt  : 採用する
◆2   festive  ≒ merry, happy
New Year’s day : 元旦
◆4   make sense : 理に叶う
◆5   stuff = things
◆6   heartwarning : 心暖まる
◆7   canine : イヌ科の





私たちの家では、年末までクリスマスツリーを出しています。結婚したときに、西洋式を取り入れました。新年まで楽しい時期が続くので(実際、西洋社会ではクリスマスから元旦まで休暇になる人もいるくらいですからね~) 、これもまた理に叶っているかと。まあ、私が慣れていたやり方とは違うけど





、うちの可愛い"犬の"娘と撮った今年のツリーとのお別れの写真です。ちょっとやりすぎ、かな・・・ (でも、嫌がってなかった ww



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