Treasure Hunting at a Thrift Store!


Treasure Hunting1 at a thrift store!




  I like to pop in to2 thrift stores3 for fun, just without any purpose. If I have time and energy, it’s fun to look around the store to see if something grabs4 me.


  Last Sunday, on the way back from our grocery shopping, me and Will quickly dropped by5 a thrift store. We just wanted to do something fun.


  It was my lucky day! I found cute chopstick rests in the shape of birds. Six of them were sitting on the shelf. I had my instinct6 radar on, and I knew they had to be mine — How many was the question.


  First, I thought "Should I get three? I don’t need more than that." But then, after seeing each face, I couldn’t separate any one of them from this family.


  I decided to take them all home. That’s the beauty7 of thrift stores: I got all 6 birds for a price of 2 cups of coffee! (Standing next to me, Will said it was lucky that they were small! They won’t take up8 too much space. I always ask him just in case9 if it’s OK when I buy something, but he always has to say yes! (^0^;) )


 After I came home, I laid10 them on the table.  The grains11 of the table surface make it look as if they are swimming in the river, just like what I see on the Hirose river every day from my room!




1 treasure hunting : 宝探し
2 drop in to ~ : ~に立ち寄る
3 thrift store : リサイクル屋
4 grab :
5 drop by ~ : ~に立ち寄る
instinct : 直感
◆7 beauty : 良い所・利点
8 take up ~ : (場所)を取る
just in case : 念のため
10 lay : ~を横たえる
11 grains :






































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