◆Belated Cat Day!
Balated1 Cat Day
A week ago, it was a cat day! We have a cat, too. She mainly lives upstaires, so Will’s students seldom see her but my students who study in the room on the second floor often do.
Since Tasha is always sleeping and she behaves herself2 when she encounters3 the students, most people don’t have a chance to see the funny side of her character. So today I’ll show you some.
She likes to be in the long position vertically4 and horizontally5. Actually compared to the cats I had when I was young at my parents’ house, she often stands up on two feet.
She likes to bother6 me when I’m working at the desk7 and often she stays near my computer. Sometimes she even sits on my dictionary or even on the keyboard (No! Not there!)
I’m a night owl8. I work in my room until easily 1 o’clock or 2 o’clock, and this cutie9 always waits for me to go to bed so we can go to bed together. She never goes to bed by herself at night. So I put a blanket on the desk or on the chair. She often chooses the closest spot unless10 I really beg her to sleep on a blanket11 which I prepare for her on the chair next to12 me.
She is a really cute and funny kiddo. More than 10 years ago she was abandoned13 and she was wandering14 outside in the cold air for a week or so until she found Ichigo (who is in heaven now) and came running to15 her. Since then, we have been a family. I’m so glad we met!!
◆1 belated : 遅れた
◆2 behave herself : 行儀良くする
◆3 encounter : ~に遭遇する
◆4 vertically : 垂直に
◆5 horizontally : 水平方向に
◆6 bother ~ : ~を邪魔する
◆7 at the desk : 机に向かって
◆8 a night owl : 夜更かしする人
◆9 a cutie : かわい子ちゃん
◆10 unless : ~しない限り
◆11 beg + 人 + to do : 人に~してくれるよう懇願する
◆12 next to ~ : ~の隣りに
◆13 abandon : ~を(見)捨てる
◆14 wander : さまよう
◆15 come running : 走ってくる
10 意味で覚えておくと、実際の文を見た時に訳しづらい思いをします。(英語では表面的に not が出てこないので…)unless = if not として捉えておくと楽になりますよ!
12 near との区別大丈夫ですか? near ~ は「~の近くに」、next to ~ は「~の隣りに」、by ~ は near よりももっと近く「~の(すぐ)そばに」の感覚です。
2024年2月29日 at 8:51 PM, under
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