◆Another House Project

Another House Project


   When we are on vacation1, we always have some house project. Especially when it’s Obon, we usually have relatively a big one.  


  2 years ago, we changed the kitchen floor. We put floor tiles and made a black and white diamond pattern. (You can read our blog on 8/18/2013.) Last year we worked on2 our kid’s room. We changed the carpet and repainted all the woody parts in the room such as the window frames, plus I redid3 the wallpaper on the door.



 previous4 house projects in summer


  This year I had a big project — restaining5 the stairs. The stairs were looking pretty bad after getting direct sunlight for many years and many stains6 from dripping water when we carried some wet vegetables to our old ginea piggy7 friend, Charlie.


  I sandpapered8 the stairs and applied stain after that. Taking the old surface off of9 the wood by sandpaper takes such a long time and takes energy. Thanks to the change of the weather, it was not so hot when I was working. However, I perspired like crazy! My face was covered with sweat! 


  After the sandpapering process, the fun part — putting on the stain! You know, moving the brush as you sing! I stained two times to have a nice smooth surface.


  Out of 14 stairs, I did just 2. My original plan was to finish half of the stairs during this Obon break, so I’m way behind schedule10. But now I see 2 newly revived stairs, I think I can enjoy working on this project through the fall. I’ll be literally a so-called Sunday carpenter for a while!    


 These old stairs will be different in a month, I hope!



◆1 be on vacation : 休暇中である
◆2 work on ~ : ~に従事する
◆3 redo
: ~をやり直す
◆4 previous : 以前の
◆5 restain(v.) : 再度ニスをする
◆6 stain : しみ
◆7 ginea pig(gy)
: モルモット(の)
8 sandpaper(v.) : : やすりをかける
9 take + O + off of ~ : ~から・・・を取る
10 behind schedule : 遅れを取っている


1 本来はやはり旅行を楽しんだりできるような長~い休暇をイメージさせる言葉です。でも、日本の事情では致し方ないですね・・・















 やすりかけが終われば、楽しい部分 — ニス塗りです!歌を歌いながらハケを動かす、そんなお待ちかねの工程。二度塗りすれば、表面はツルツルピカピカ。










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