◆Are you ready for Halloween?

Are you ready for Halloween?



  Tomorrow is the day when the dead1 return. Oooo!!!


  In the ancient2 Celtic custom, November 1 was the start of the new year, and October 31 was the new year’s eve3, which was called All Hallow’s Eve.( On the European calendar, you sometimes find a lot of "Saint4 (somebody)’s day"s. They have the custom to recall old saints.)   


  On this day, the worlds of the living and the dead overlap5. So living people put on dreadful6 costumes to hide themselves so the dead won’t find us. Also, people set bonfires to keep away the evil spirits.


  This year we made a huge jack-o’-lantern plus two normal sized ones, so I’m sure we are very safe.



  If we can expect more benefit and grace7 according to the size of the jack-o’-lantern, thanks to Will, we will get the best protection in our lives this year! Our record pumkin was 52kg, and this year it’s probably about 100kg. Doubly protected!


  After we are finished being protected by our pumkins, we will be left with three stinky8 jack-o’-lanterns. Since it’s so sad to chuck9 them quickly after putting in so much time and labor, we keep them for a while. When the faces start collapsing10 as they rot11, they are even more scary!!! Ooooo!



◆1 the + 形容詞 : ~な人
◆2 ancient
= very old
◆3 new year’s eve : 大みそか
◆4 saint : 聖人
◆5 overlap : 重なる
◆6 dreadful : 恐ろしい
◆7 grace
: 恩恵
◆8 sticky :  臭い
◆9 chuck : ~を捨てる
◆10 collaps : 崩れる
◆11 rot : 腐る
















































 これらのカボチャに守られた後も、しばらくは3つの臭いジャコランタンと共に暮らします。それ相当の時間と労力をかけたカボチャをすぐに処分してしまうのはあまりに残念なので、毎年しばらくそのまま飾っているんです。顔が腐って崩れ始めるのと、さら~に怖くなりますよ~!!! ウーーー!!!




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