◆Finally They Came Out!

Finally they came out!

It has been1 more than a month since I made small flower beds2 for some flower seeds. They are the seeds of Hanabishi-so(California Poppy in English). I picked the seeds in my garden last year and kept them, waiting for the season to try to grow them.


  As you can assume3 from its name, the flowers make a kind of diamond shape with 4 petals4. They come in5 orangish yellow, pinkish orange and pale yellow.

 (  last year I had the orangish one, and this year we have the pinkish one in our garden.  )


  For about the last 4 weeks, I sprayed water on them and made sure that the soil is not too dry and not too wet every morning and night, even on the days when I was up to my ears in work or I was really beat. I took great care of them.


  After a long period of just looking at the dirt, I noticed IT one night. Suddently, just like bumboo shoots, a 1.5-centimeter sprout shot up right there. It made me smile.


 After that, I was waiting for some others to follow, but again a long silence. Right at the moment when I almost started to give up hope on the other sprouts, two more came out. 


  Now for a while it’s been quiet, so maybe this is it.


  …but how come only one sprout in each tray? Isn’t it funny? Every time I pass by these newly grown-up fragile sprouts, I can’t help remember the one thin hair on the top of the head of the grandpa, Namihei, in the Isono Family.




     See!  "ヽ(^-^)




◆1 It’s been ~ : 今まで~の時間がかかった
flower bed : 花壇・苗床
◆3 assume : 憶測する
◆4 petal :

























 でも、どうしてそれぞれの容器に1つだけ?なんかおかしい。これらの新しく生まれたばかりのヒョロヒョロとした芽の横を通るたび、磯野気のお爺ちゃん、波平さんの頭のてっぺんの細~い毛を連想せずにはいられません。 "ヽ(^-^)

















 ほらね! "ヽ(^-^)



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