◆Good Ichigo Day

Good Ichigo Day?


  Today, it was January 15. I didn’t know this before, but since the numbers go 1 15, today is said to be1 Good Strawberry Day! (The number 1 can be read [ee] in Japanese, meaning "good", and the number 15 can be read [ichi go] meaning "strawberry".)



 Speaking of a good strawberry, we also have one at home that is sweet but brown and hairy2 and even barks3. Do you know what it is? Yes! Our dog, Ichigo!



 Ichigo came to our house in July 2005 from a rescue organization4 called "Animal Club Ishinomaki" (They have a homepage. If you are interested, go look!) She’s been with us since then.



  She is a little spoiled5 outside. She is not so friendly6 to other dogs or other people (maybe because she is a shiba with a typical7 Japanese dog’s character???), but she is sweet inside the house. She almost always welcomes our students. Especially, she loves kids. She sits around the feet of the students while they are studying. Maybe that’s how she became bilingual!!



  A year ago, we adopted8 a cat, who we named Tasha. Even when Tasha takes over Ichigo’s bed, Ichigo sits on the outskirts9 of the bed humbly. When Tasha goes overboard10 and bites her, Ichigo just lets her. (Of course, Ichigo growls11 sometimes but never bites.)







  Ichigo sometimes eats Tasha’s food and pretends12 that she didn’t . Also, she sometimes begs for13 food at the dinner table, but she is a 1 15!








◆1 be said to be ~ : ~であると言われている
hairy : 毛の多い
◆3 bark : 吠える
◆4 rescue organization
: 援助団体
◆5 spoiled :  好きなように振舞う
◆6 friendly : 親しげな
◆7 typical : 典型的な
adopt : ~を養子にする
◆9 outskirts : 外れ
◆10 go overboard : 極端に走る
growl: うなる
◆12 pretend  : ~だと装う
◆13 beg for ~  : ~をせがむ


  今日は1月15日でした。私は知らなかったのですが、きょうは1 15と数が並ぶことから、「いいいちごの日」と呼ばれているそうですね!


























































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