◆Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!(by Will)


  It’s a bit colder outside while I write this, but it’s been warm lately. There are daffodils1 coming up and many signs of spring…


  But I’m mostly interested in birds. Just the other day, I heard my first Bush Warbler2 singing – and he was pretty3 good! (sometimes the early singing is not very good – they need a little practice).


  The Swans have been leaving from the Hirose river, too. Though there were 9 or 10 out here last night, most have already gone (there were 30 or more at one point4)— taking the yearly trip to Siberia to nest. It’s always a bit sad to say goodbye to them, but hopefully5 they’ll be back next winter – with a few young gray ones in tow6.


  We birders say a sad goodbye to winter because it’s such an active time here. So many winter visitors come and make Miyagi a great place in the winter.


 Here is a less frequent7 visitor that I saw a few months ago – the Rough-legged Buzzard. Isn’t he a beaut8?





  We mustn’t get down9 about the end of winter. The spring migration10 of waders11 is just around the corner12 (and some real early birds have already been seen.) Here are some examples from springs past of waders we hope will be visiting Sendai soon:




Be looking for the waders on the beaches of course, but don’t over look any field with standing13 water (but not too much!)


Winter is great for birds, but spring is fantastic, too!



◆1 daffodil(s) : 水仙
◆2 bush warbler : ウグイス

◆3 pretty good : かなり上手い*
◆4 at one point : 一時

◆5 hopefully : 願わくば
◆6 in tow : 従えて
◆7 frequent : 頻繁に~する
◆8 a beaut : 素晴らしいもの

◆9 get down
: 気落ちする
◆10 migration : (鳥の)渡り・移動
◆11 wader : 渉禽類*
◆12 around the corner : すぐそこに
◆13 standing : (水が)流れていない

3 pretty < very というイメージです!

9 「比較的長い嘴・頸・脚をもち、水辺や浅瀬などで採餌する鳥の総称」(ブリタニカ国際大百科事典)





 でも、僕の専らの楽しみは鳥です。つい先日、ウグイスがさえずっているのを聞きました—結構上手に歌っていました!(時々、季節の始めのころの鳴き方はそんなに上手じゃないこともあるんです。— 鳥たちも練習が必要なんです。)


 白鳥たちも広瀬川から飛び立っていってます。昨夜は家の近くで9、10羽いましたが、仲間のほとんどはもう飛んで行ってしまっているんです。(一時期は30羽以上いました。)— 巣を作るための毎年恒例のシベリアへの旅。いつも、白鳥を見送るのはちょっと寂しい気持ちにさせられます。でも、また来年の冬に灰色の若い白鳥たち数羽を引き連れて帰ってくるのを願っています。




 こちらは、数ヶ月前に見たこの辺では稀な鳥です。ケアシノスリ。 美しいでしょ?
































































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