◆In the Open Air

In the Open Air


  This was the highlight of the day !! 
  In the soft orangish1 light of the sunset, over our neighbor’s roof, and over another neighbor’s cherry tree, I found one big shadow and two little shadows following the big one.


 That was such a heartwarming sight that I forgot my fatigue2 for a moment which  I had accumulated3 after a week of working.


  First, they were sitting on the grass, doing something. When I looked out of the window, this scene caught my eye4, and I quickly reached for5 my camera. After that, the three shadows started moving toward the river, and they were standing close to each other with the littlest one occasionaly moving around. And sometimes it looked like they were writing on something.   

I squinted my eye6 to see what they are doing. Then, I figured out7 that those were two little girls and my husband(!) whom I saw off8 a while ago, saying "Have fun studying9 ! "
( I totally forgot that they were out there. Recently, my memory sometimes gets short like Dolly in "Finding Nemo." /(+-+;) Yuck ! )


  It was a sunny day in the rainy season. Since we had such a beautiful day, Will decided to have a class outside in the open air to provide them with a completely different studying atmosphere.


  The older girl has a short haircut and the little one has pig tails10. They often remind me of Satsuki and Mei in Totoro. It was so perfect to see them in a natural scene like that. Just like in Totoro’s world. And also, it made me feel good to see Will with them.


  Our own kid got older now, but we are so lucky to enjoy other munchikins11, boys and girls, from very tiny to a little bigger,  — thanks to our job !




◆1   orangish : オレンジ色っぽい           
◆2   fatique  : 疲労   
◆3   accumulate : ~を溜める 
◆4   catch one’s eye : ~の注意を引く
◆5   reach for ~ : ~に手を伸ばす
◆6   squint one’s eye : 目を細める
◆7   figure out ~ = understantd ~  
◆8   see off ~  : ~を見送る
◆9   have fun doing 
 : ~して楽しむ 
◆10 pig tails
 : (今はやりの)ツインテールのこと
◆11 munchikin : 「子ども」の親しみを込めた呼び方

1) 名詞に -ish をつけると「~っぽい」。口語的にはとても便利な言い回しです!
11) Wizard of Oz(「オズの魔法使い」。英語で聞くと「ウィザードヴァーズ」と聞こえます!
) に登場する小人から。























最近、『ニモ』に出てきたドリーのように、私の記憶は時々短くなっちゃうんです。/(+-+;)  やだやだ!)









 自分たちの子どもはもう大きくなってしまったけど、よそのおうちのお子ちゃまたち — 男の子も女の子も、すごくちっちゃいのからちょっと大きいのまで — まだこんな風に接していられるのは、この職業ならではですね!












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