◆Long Time No See!

Long Time No See !


  I have several groups of old friends with whom I try to meet annually. ( Yeah, with old friends we need a little conscious effort to keep in contact1. )


 Yesterday, I met two of my old friends from university. Usually, I’m the one who gets us all together2. One of the other members is in charge of the place. The other friend is charge of driving "all the way" from Yamagata to come to see us( This is enough — probably this is the hardest task3 ! ).


  When we get together, we talk about fun things, worries, our kids, our families, all sorts of4 things!  Unless5 we have a curfew6 ( for moms the curfew is like "my kid will come home at a certain time." ) our chat will never end.


  ( By the way, I met one of them at the entrance exam for university and talked a little bit after the exam, wishing each other good luck and hoping to see each other in spring. And, believe it or not, that became the beginning of our friendship which has lasted for a quarter of a century7 !)


  When I meet my old friends. It’s fun to talk about our good old days8, but also it’s interesting to see how our topics are changing. We share complaints and worries about our lives, and how we are overcoming or facing them. Sharing time with my old friends makes me realize that everybody has ups and downs9 in their lives. So naturally always after meeting my friends, I say to myself, "I have to be positive about my life !"


  We always bring some little souvenirs to each other. This time one friend baked pumpkin stick cookies and the other friend gave us Ohagi from Saichi. ( Me? I brought music book clips in the shape of a rake . They are very practical10 ! You can use them for any book. No more weight11 on a book! )


  Today,  I tasted their sweet heartful12 sweets, remembering the two of them and the fun time we spent together. Thank you!




  ( Can you see the pumpkin sticks were individually wrapped and have a bow13 with a purple ribbon? Recently I’m getting too practical to try this kind of delicate detail. I want to try to have a bit more leeway14 in my mind to do something extra like this . /(^-^;))


◆1   in contact : 親交がある          
◆2   get + 人 + together : (人)を会わせる・集める 
◆3  task : 仕事   
◆4   all sorts of ~ = all kinds of ~ 
◆5   unless = if not (もし~でなければ)  
◆6   curfew : 門限  
◆7   a quarter of a century : 四半世紀  

◆8   good old days : 古き良き時代  

◆9   ups and downs : 喜びや悩み、浮き沈み  
◆10 practical : 実用的な 

◆11 weight : おもり、文鎮 
◆12 heartful : 心のこもった
◆13 a bow : リボン(結び)・蝶結び

◆12 leeway : ゆとり、余裕 


13 英語はribbonは紐状のものを指します。日本語のリボンとはズレがあるので気を付けてください!
   ちなみに、蝶ネクタイは a bow tie です。







 昨日は大学のときの友人2人と会いました。だいたいいつも、私が集まろうって声を掛ける役。もう一人が場所を決めたり予約をしたりという役。そして、もう一人がわざわざ山形県から車で出て来てくれる役。(彼女はこれをしてくれたら十分 — 多分、これが一番大変なお役目だから。)























 (かぼちゃのスティックが一本一本包んであって、紫のリボンが蝶結びになっているのが見えますか?最近こういう繊細なことにすっかりズボラになっている私。こういうプラスアルファが出来る心のゆとりを持つように、私も心掛けたいものだな~と /(^-^;) )




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