◆Our Favorite

Our Favorite



   Mouthwatering1, aren’t they?


  This weekend, I baked cinnamon rolls. I haven’t made them for a long long time. ( To tell the truth2, far from3 making cinnamon rolls, I sometimes can’t fix4 dinner properly. /(^-^;)  )


  The last time we had cinnamon rolls was when our friends from California came and visited us during the Jazz Festival in September. At that time, the cinnamon rolls came from the real Cinnabon store.

( You’ve gotta5 see the authentic6 cinnamon rolls. See the blog on September 8, 2012)

(Actually, I can’t believe that every time our friend flies to Japan, he brings a big box of cinnamon rolls as his carry-on7, emitting8 a wonderful cinnamon smell. (^-^)  )


  This time I prepared cinnamon rolls since we were invited to our friend’s house for a potluck9. First I only baked some to bring with us. However since I had made a lot of dough10 because I thought this was a good chance, so even the next night, I baked and baked. I’ll show you some:


 How many did I make? —   I made at least 50.


  ・・・People say that fun time passes quickly, but so does delicious food. After bringing some to the potluck, I gave some to my friends, our neighbor, and my mom. Plus having family member’s’ who eat more than 2 at a time11, already most of them are gone!! Oh, well. If I’m sharing some happy time with everybody12 through these cinnamon rolls, I’m totally happy.


  I’ll bake some more!  p(^-^)q





◆1 mouthwatering : よだれが出るほど美味しい 
◆2 to tell the truth, : 実を言うと、 

◆3 far from ~ : ~どころか 
◆4 fix : ~をちゃちゃっと作る
◆5 ‘ve gotta = have got to(~しなくてはならない)    
◆6 authentic : 本物の
◆7 carry-on : 機内持込み手荷物 
◆8 emit : ~を放つ

◆9 potluck : 持ち寄りパーティー

◆10 dough : 生地
◆11 at a time : 一度に
◆10 share もの with 人 : 人と~を分かち合う

















 この週末、シナモンロールを焼きました、かなり久しぶりに。(実を言うと、シナモンロールどころが、夕食を作るのさえままならないことも。 /(^-^;)  )


























 いくつ作ったでしょう?— 軽く50個は出来ました。











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