
Coming home to Seattle 1


   This year again, we are back1 in Seattle. (Our dog is staying home with a house-sitter.) As our child gets older, it’s getting harder to find time off2 to come over to the states, but we can’t let go of3 the only chance to have a family reunion once a year. 


  Since Will’s parents live on Whidbey Island near Seattle, we have to take a ferry to to get to their house. The first thing that really made us feel that we are back on Whidbey was ….


  A seagull !

 He was sitting at the pier. Seagulls often chase the ferry because they expect people to feed4 them5 on the deck. They are huge, so it was kind of strange to regard him just as a bird — especially when he was sitting still like a security quard6 on duty. It looked like he was checking people who were passing by to get on the ferry from his post. Look at this serious looking face!


  It takes about 20 minutes from one dock7 to the other dock. The ferry runs every 30 minutes, and on the weekend sometimes we have to wait more than 1 hour to get on the ferry even though it can carry 124 vehicles8 at once! I took this picture as we were pulling out9, looking back at the mainland. ( The small dock is a private dock. The ferry dock is much bigger. There are two lanes onto the ferry. )

   and the island looks like this from the ferry.


  Even though it’s an island, it doesn’t smell like the ocean. Rather it makes me feel like we live in the woods. There are so many trees and ponds, and even a highway. From the northern tip to the southern tip, it takes about one and a half hours at 55m/h. 


  About the richness of the natural environment on the island, I’ll need more than 10 blogs easily to show you around, but I will try to give you some highlights during this visit.


◆1 be back : 戻ってきている
time off : 休み
◆3 let go of ~ : ~を手放す
expect + 人 + to do : 人が~することを予期する
◆5 feed ~ : ~に餌をあげる   
◆6 security guard :警備員
◆7 dock : 船着き場
◆8 vehicle = cars

◆9 pull out : 出る

1  I’m back.と使えば「ただいま!」に使えますよ!
5  I’ve got to feed my kids.「子どもにご飯作ってあげなきゃ」

シアトルへの里帰り 1
























































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