◆Summer Fighter

Summer Fighter


   How are you doing in this scorching1 heat? A sweltering2 summer is typical weather in Asia, but this skyrocketing3 temperature is really unusual. That’s what’s really scary. 


  To keep myself strong to live through4 the summer, I occasionally5 try to eat beef which has a lot of vitamin B1, but my real secret is this refreshener: Red basil juice!




  Several years ago, my co-worker at college let me taste this pretty-looking drink, and right away I got to like6 it. She gave me the recipe. Since then, every summer I make red basil juice to fight against7 summer fatigue8. It’s got citric acid9 so it’s quite refreshing. The color also gives us an exciting feeling.


  Just put red basil leaves in boiling water in the pot, and keep it boiling for a few minutes. Add sugar (I often use granuated sugar.) And add citric acid. This is a very fun moment. You’ll go "Wow!" The color which is just dull green or brown and reminds you of10 herbal medicine11 suddenly turns bright pink!


  Probably the red basil is out of season12 now, but try next year! I’m sure you’ll forget your fatigue when you drink it!    


◆1 scorching : 焼けつくような
◆2 sweltering : うだるような
◆3 skyrocket
: 急上昇する
◆4 live through : ~を切り抜ける
◆5 occasionally = somtimes
◆6 get to ~ : だんだん~になる
◆7 fight against
: ~と闘う
8 fatigue: : 疲労
9 citric acid: クエン酸
10 remind 人 of : (人)に~を思い出させる
◆11 herbal medicine : 漢方・
◆12 out of season : 季節が終わった


11 herbal は、アメリカ英語ではhを落として発音します。でも面白いことに、発音がかなり似通っているカナダの英語では、hは入れて発音しています。


























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