◆The Power of Kids

The Power of Kids

  On Sunday, we went to see my mom with a present for Mother’s Day.  When I was walking just 10 meters from the car to the gate of the house, I noticed a big difference — some children’s voices. Their cheerful voices made me smile.


 They came from the house which stands diagonally1 opposite from2 my parent’s house. I hadn’t heard kids’ voices in my mother’s neighborhood for a long time. So it was rather special and at the same time3 I felt lucky to have this environment for my mom who is getting older and who must live a lonely, quiet life.


  Just as4 I thought so, my mom, who heard us coming into the gate and came out to welcome us, said to us, "Isn’t it nice to have kids around? They give me energy"  ( See! ) 


  ・・・ and speaking of5 kids, I took a great picture of kids recently.


  On this day, from my teaching room on the 2nd floor, I heard quite a few6 kids shriek suddenly, but merrily7, on the riverside. So I looked out of the window quickly, and this bunch of8 kides came running out of nowhere. I forgot time for a moment9. They were running around, shouting, and full of energy. Somehow I felt like I can’t pass up10 a chance to take their photo.  (Even when I see this photo now, I remember the excitement that I had at this moment! )


  Purity, innocence, energy — What makes kids KIDS? 

  I’m also enjoying kids in my neighborhood. Just their appearance can make the whole atmosphere cheerful and light. 


◆1 diagonally : 斜めに
◆2 opposite from ~
: ~から反対に
3 at the same time : 同時に
4 just as : 丁度~したとき
5 speaking of ~ : ~と言えば
◆6 quite a few : かなりの数の
◆7 merrily : 楽しそうに
◆8 a bunch of ~ : 一まとまりの~
◆9 for a moment : 一瞬
◆10 pass up ~ : ~を逃す・見送る





 それは、実家の斜め前の家から聞こえていました。 母の家の周辺で子どもの声なんて長い間聞いてなかったので、それはかなり特別で、それと同時に、だんだん歳とって一人静かな生活を送る母のために、こういう環境があって良かったなぁと思いました。



 ちょうどそんな風に思ったとき、門をくぐった私たちの物音を聞いて、迎えに出てきた母が、こう言いました。「子どもが近くにいるっていいわよね。エネルギーをもらうわ!」   (ほらね!)
















純粋無垢。エネルギー。 — 何をもって子どもが子どもであるんでしょうね?





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