◆The Shopping Spree!

The Shopping Spree!

  As I mentioned in the last blog, we went for our Grand Flower Shopping Spree1 during Golden Week. "WE" means not my family but me and my friend. 


  For me, buying flowers is way2 more fun than buying clothes or anything else. Before I talk about anything, can you excuse me for showing3 off4 the 28 kinds of plants that I bought this time? (^-^) Ta da!



  First I drove to her house.→ I got there a bit after ten. I met her family. I apologized to her husband for leaving him and the rest of the family behind.→ I handed him my car keys and told him to feel free to use5 my car. Me and my friend got in her car and started our day!


  In case you also love flowers and live in this area, I’ll give you the detailed information so that you can follow in my footsteps.


  This is where we go on this special trip. We start with Green Plaza in Takamori. The shop is relatively small, but they have quite a nice selection. We always bump into6 some interesting flowers. The prices are quite reasonable, which makes us happy! If we are lucky, we can find some flowers under ¥100. That makes us even happier!


  Then, La Clé. Their selection is also nice. We always find some interesting flowers. Even my friend who knows quite a lot about flowers uses words like "Look! What’s this?" "Interesting!" and "Isn’t this cute?" Of course, those words stimulate7 my shopping spirit.


  Usually around this time, we have lunch at some cafe. This is our annual update-our-news time. After we eat and rest our legs, we go back to the car — and on to Oregon! (Will’s mom always said this when we got into the car.)


  The last destination8 is The Garden in Nakayama. This is more like a usual nursery9 but has a huge selection. We usually end up staying10 here until the last moment, which is around 7 o’clock . It gets dark and that tells us it’s time to go home.


  When we get back to the car at this point, the car is filled with so many flowers. We look at each other, start giggling11 and say "We did it again this year!" Satisfaction!




f(^-^;)  Excuse me, but let me insert a quick comment to our friend who reads our blog in California and recently asked us about my big flower shopping day. —- Hey, Tim! We did it! (^-^)/




◆1 shopping spree : 制限を加えない買い物
way : はるかに
◆3 excuse + 人 + for doing : 人が~するのを許す
◆4 show off : ~を見せびらかす
◆5 feel free to do : 自由に~する
◆6 bump into ~ : ~に出くわす
◆7 stimulate : ~を刺激する        
◆8 destination
: 目的地
◆9 nursery : 園芸店
◆10 end up doing : ~して終わる
◆11 giggle : ケラケラ笑う





 私にとって、花を買うことは洋服や他のものを買うことよりはるかに楽しいことです。いろいろ話す前に、ちょっと失礼して、今回買った28種の植物見せびらかしちゃいます(^-^) ジャジャーン!



























 たいていこの辺で、カフェでランチタイム。私たちの一年分の情報をアップデートする時間でもあります。お昼を食べて脚も休めたあと、また車に戻ります。— そして、出発進行!(On to Oregon!はウィルのお母さんが車に乗り込んだときによく言ってた言葉です。)



 このくらいまで楽しんで車に戻ると、車は花で一杯。私たちはお互い顔を見合わせてほくそ笑んで(声も出して笑います!)、言います。「今年も買ったね~!」 満足!




f(^-^;) すみませんが、最後にこの場を借りて、カリフォルニアでこのブログを読んでいて、最近もう花を買いに行ったのかと聞いてきた友人に一言。— 「Tim, 行ってきたよー!」(^-^)/






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