The Lantern Festival


The Lantern Festival


  Yesterday the Lantern1 festival on the Hirose River was held. It came back after a 2-year absence because of the Coronavirus pandemic2. Of course, right now we are facing another spread of the Coronavirus variant BA 5 and we have to be careful, but it was nice to see this traditional3 festival come back.


  About 10 days ago they made platforms to float the lanterns and shoot fireworks, and a couple days before the event a lot of cars started coming and going to prepare for the event. Usually this neighborhood is really quiet, but for this event it gets unusually busy. This year, this busyness4 made me even more excited than in the past. We, all people, have been very patient with5 quiet lives because of Corona for a long time.


  In the afternoon, I started seeing lanterns floating by6 on the river from my teaching room. I was teaching classes, but with my students (even online!) we enjoyed this festive7 atmosphere while studying. (I should have taken8 photos — shoot!)


  At night we enjoyed fireworks!




  After I made sure that our cat and dog were OK — moving them into the room with double paned9 windows to soften the sound of firewoks — we went out to see the show. Right in front of our house there were already quite a lot of people, so I walked a little farther10 down the street and enjoyed watching from there. It was nice to be in the cool evening air.

  Even after midnight, I heard workers’ cars passing by11 in front of our house. Thank you for your work preparing this event!


  Now the quiet Hirose River came back. I’m waiting for the birds who were scared away12 by the big sound of fireworks to come back to their home. Come back quick!



1 lantern : 灯籠
pandemic : 流行
3 traditional : 従来の、伝統的な
4 busyness : 忙しさ

5 be patient with ~ : ~を我慢している
6 float by : 浮かんで通り過ぎて行く

◆7 festive : お祭りの
8 should have + p.p. : ~すべきだった
9 double paned : 二重に窓ガラスをはめた
10 farther : より遠くに
11 pass by : 通り過ぎる
◆12 scare away ~ : 怖がらせて遠くに追いやる
4 business も busyness も語源は同じくbusy(忙しい) + ness(名詞の語尾)です。ただ後者は busy をそのまま発音しつつ ness につなげます。
9 pane は窓ガラス1枚のことです。
6と11で使われている "by" は どちらも同じ使われ方。副詞で「近くを・そばを通り過ぎて」という意味です。他にも、go by / walk by などがあります。
















 午後になると、灯籠が川を流れて行くのを私が教えている部屋から見ることが出来ました。クラスを教えてはいましたが、生徒の方たちと(オンライン授業でも!)勉強しながらこのお祭りの雰囲気を楽しみました。(写真を撮っておくべきでした — 残念!)








































































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