Trip to Seattle 1

Trip to Seattle 1


  Leaving our dog to the housesitter, we came over to Seattle, where Will is from. We’ve been trying to pay a yearly visit to1 his folks2 for the last 12 years except last year. For us, this is a very special event of the year — a family reunion.


 The first thing we always notice when we come over here is that it is slightly warmer here. We can take one layer off from how we dress in Sendai. We see some cherry blossoms and overall3 it’s much greener here. Always we feel like, temperaturewise4, Seattle is ahead of5 Sendai by about one month at this time of the year.


 It’s interesting. Seattle is located6 above Hokkaido, but the temperature range is about the same as Sendai. Maybe that is because of its topography7 and the ocean current8.


 Our gardens in the states and in Japan have the same plants, and luckily just before we came to the states, I took photos of the plants of our garden. So, we can clearly compare the difference visually.


  See!!  This  much difference! Seeing is believing. Just like the old saying!


Photinia in Sendai/Photinia in Seattle


◆1   pay a visit to ~ = ~を訪ねる
◆2   folks   =(米) parents      
◆3   overall
= 全体的に       
◆4   – wise : ~に関して、~の点で
◆5   ahead of ~  : ~の前に、より先に
◆6   be located : 位置している
◆7   topography  : 地形(学)
◆8   ocean current : 海流


シアトルへの帰省 1


 犬をハウスシッターに預けて、ウィルの出身地であるシアトルへやって来ました。昨年を除いてここ12年間、毎年両親のところに帰るようにしています。私たちみんなにとって、一年のとても特別な行事 家族が集まるときです。



















日本のアカメモチ / アメリカのアカメモチ



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