She Laid Eggs


She Laid Eggs1


  Recently a brown-eared bulbul2 has been flying really close to the window of my teaching room. Sometimes we are so close like 1 meter from each other that I can see her eyes, her beak3 and her feathers4 so clearly.


  At the same time5, Will started saying "Recently I often see brown-eared bulbuls around our house. Especially when the crows are around. I wondered if they are being nervous because they are nesting?"


  We soon found out. There was a nest! There was a nest right against my window! Yesterday we saw 2 eggs. This morning 3!



  The parents were not around6 when we saw them. Interestingly, Will told me that after they lay eggs, they don’t have to start warming them right away. For about 2 weeks, the eggs can stay in the nest as they are, but once the parents start warming the eggs, they can’t leave the nest. They have to keep them warm all the time7.


  That’s how they can raise all the babies at the same time. If the eggs hatch8 at different times, the parents have to take care of each baby bird in a different growing stage in a different way. That’s not easy.


  So when the mother first sits in the nest, that’s the time the clock starts9!


  We learned that usually brown-eared bulbuls lay 3 to 5 eggs. I wonder how many more we’ll see in the next few days?


  We are looking forward to hearing the baby birds start chirping10 literally right next to our house wall!




1 lay eggs : 卵を産む
2 brown-eared bulbul : ヒヨドリ

3 beak : 嘴
4 feather : 羽

5 at the same time : 同時に
6 be around : その辺にいる

◆7 all the time : ずっと
8 hatch : (卵が)かえる
◆9 the clock starts : カウントが始まる
◆10 chirp : ピヨピヨ鳴く


























































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