◆Speaking of charming names…

Speaking of charming names…
(after "Trip to Seattle 4")


  I wrote quite a lot1 about Seattle so far. So, first I thought I should stop writing about it. Then, I was planning to write about "this" when summer comes — when people start going to the beach, but I kind of2 feel like I might lose my passion3 about it.

So, here I go !



 I’m sure everybody has seen this. When you find this on the beach, you must feel so good, especially when you find it in a perfect shape. Actually, I remember that I found one when I was beachcombing4 in the summer when I was a kid and I kept it in my treasure box of seashells for a long time.


  Well, well, did you know the name of this? If you don’t, I’m sure you would feel the same way as I felt when I heard it. In Japanese, it’s "Tako no Makura." meaning the pillow of an octopus. In English, it’s a "
sand dollar" or a "sea biscuit." Aren’t they nice?


  The names were not the only thing that surprised me. When they are alive, they are like this. 
( When I found one, it was so precious5. However, if there are this many, that scarcity value6 may go down? )


  They are hairy!!! Black hair all over. And, at this season, they are all over the sand. That was a bit weird7.  As you can see by the black hair, they belong to the family of SEA URCHINS ! Isn’t that amazing? At least, it is for me ! We don’t really have a lot of chances to see them here up north. I found out8 that in Japan they live in the south of the main island or below.
No wonder !


  I found some baby ones on Whidbey Island. The littlest one in this photo is about 1.5 cm in diameter9. They look they don’t move, but in fact they are quite fast. I lined up 6 of them straight to take a photo, but in just a few seconds someof them had already started to make a wiggly10 line ! /(^-^;)




◆1   quite a lot : かなりたくさん           
◆2   kind of  : なんか~のような    
◆3   passion
  : 情熱、愛着       
◆4   beachcomb : 砂浜で貝や漂流物を拾う
◆5   precious : 貴重な            
◆6   scarcity value : 希少価値            
◆7   weird = strange
◆8   find out ~ : ~だと分かる
◆9   diameter : 直径
◆10   wiggly : うねうねした

8 find +「もの」
/ find out +「情報」と区別しておきましょう!

(Trip to Seattle 4 に続き)






































 もう毛むくじゃら!!! 真っ黒の毛が一面に。そして、この季節、タコノマクラが砂一面に。ちょっと奇妙でした。その黒い毛から分かるように、ウニの仲間だそう!驚きですよね?少なくとも、私には驚きでした!北のこのあたりでは見る機会はそんなにないですからね~。日本では、本州中部以南に生息しているんだそうです。どうりで!





 Whidbey Islandで赤ちゃんタコノマクラも見つけました。写真に写っている一番小さいもので、直径1.5cmぐらい。動かないように見えるのですが、実はなかなか脚が早い。写真を撮ろうと、たかが6個を一列に並べたのに、数秒のうちにすでに列を乱す子が!/(^-^;)





















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