◆A Fun Photo with a Tiny Lady


A Fun Photo with a Tiny Lady



  Guess what we are doing here! We are looking through binoculars1.


  This was taken about a week ago, and the mom of this tiny lady gave me the photo. You must be curious2 about what we are looking at, right? We are looking at swans in the Hirose river. While we were studying, the swans were calling3 to each other and making a really big noise for a while.


  So since I have binoculars hanging on the wall in my teaching room, I got them and set the focus and held them for her. She’s so cute, isn’t she? Even from behind, we can tell she’s really trying to see the swans through the lenses.


  As you probably noticed4, we happened to5 wear the same colored clothes! That makes this photo even more special!!


  Speaking of6 the swans in the Hirose river, many of them flew away in the last few days. On Friday I counted 9 still here, and this morning, which was Sunday, there were still 9 left. Among them, there were 3 or 4 young ones who still have slightly gray feathers.


  People who come down to7 the river now often say they look at them thinking8 maybe this is going to be the last time to see them. Yes — It’s about time9!!


1 binoculars : 双眼鏡
2 curious : とても興味のある
3 call : (鳥が)鳴く
4 notice :
5 happen to do : 偶然~する
6 speaking of ~
: ~と言えば
7 come down to ~ : ~に(降りて)やって来る
8 S+V(,) doing :
9 It’s about time. : もうそうする頃だ

4 日本語の「気づく」に相当する英語は、主にnotice, recognize, realize。まだ使い分けに自信がない方はもう一度確認しましょう。
★noticeは「目や耳、または感覚で気付く」 「お知らせ・通知」も notice ですので、見えるかたちに出してくるイメージを持ちましょう。
★recognizeは「以前に知っていたものをもう一度認識する」 中身が re(again) + cog(know)だというのを理解しておくのも助けになりますよ。
★realizeは「現実のものとして悟る・理解する」 既に知っていた概念などを実体験の中で本当にそういうことかと理解する場合などに使われます。中身が real + ize(make)「リアルなものになる」




































 川にやって来る人たちは口々に今ではこれが最後になるかもと思って白鳥たちを見てると言っています。そうなんですよ —- もうぼちぼちです!!








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