◆An Amazing Shot


An Amazing Shot (by Will)



  Sometimes the universe1 gives us a special opportunity to create something perfect. This time that magic happened to our friend’s wife and she got a wonderful photo.

  Professional photographers know how to increase their chances of taking wonderful pictures, but even then they take shot after shot2 and end up keeping3 a very few. Those of us who only take the occasional4 photo get a good one very rarely.


  The other day, my friend Tim sent me a photo that his wife took, and I was blown away5.
The scene: His wife was attending a business conference in San Diego, California, and Tim accompanied6 her. One evening they went to a waterfront restaurant for dinner.


  I’ll let Tim tell the rest: ‘’Our waitress came and said, ‘Do you want to see something cool? Space X (which is run by Elon Musk) just launched7 a rocket.’ So we went outside along with several other tables8 and watched. I took several photos of it, but one my wife took is my favorite and is attached9. It was taking more of those internet satellites10 into orbit11.’’

And here it is: 











It’s unreal12, isn’t it?
They should definitely print it and put it on the wall!



1 the universe : 宇宙・世界
2 shot after shot : 何枚も何枚も
3 end up doing : ~して終わる
4 occasional :
5 be blown away : ~の度肝を抜く
6 accompany
: ~について行く
7 launch : ~を打ち上げる
8 table :
9 attach : ~を添付する
◆10 satellite : 衛星
◆11 orbit : 軌道
◆12 unreal : 信じられないほど素晴らしい

7 基本の意味は "start "です。そこから、「~を世に送り出す」「~を売り出す」「(新しい船)を進水させる」「(ロケット)を打ち上げる」と様々な表現に変化しています。








































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