The Time Has Come…


The Time Has Come…


  The Halloween season has come again!

  As you know, Will grows pumkins to carve1 Jack-o’-lanterns, so our prep2 started in May. When they were planted in the field after making them sprout3 inside the house, they looked like this. This is our start.




  So many times Will drove to the field, carrying water and worrying about the weather conditions — if it was too wet4 or it was too hot. After harvesting them they occupied our living room because they have to stay dry, otherwise they will rot5.




Now it’s Halloween Time!!

  This year we have 2 humungous6 Jack-o’-lanterns and even though we had a long scorching7 summer and we lost quite a few, there are still many medium-sized ones. He made a fun display in front of our house. Will really worked hard to welcome our students to this Halloween house. This year even ghosts appeared in the display to welcome you!




  *Will made the white arms with paper-mâché8!



  Even before Halloween, with pumpkins which started rotting, Will decided to make lanterns and display them at the door.  In the past he always chucked9 the rotten ones and put them in our compost pile but this is a good way to respect the unfortunate pumpkins which couldn’t make it to Halloween! We’ll keep doing it!






  Now 3 other houses in a row10 (not exactly but almost!) on our street are decorating their entrances for Halloween. Come and enjoy the Halloween Road!



1 carve : ~月中旬 
pre = preparation
3 make + O + sprout : ~に芽を出させる
4 wet : 雨が多い

5 rot
: 腐る
6 humungous : 巨大な
◆7 scorching : 焼け付くような
paper-mâché : 張り子の
◆9 chuch : ~を捨てる
◆10 in a row : 連続して



































































































































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