◆We Went to a Jazz Live Performance!


We Went to a Jazz Live Performance1

  Just a week ago, on the evening of2 the 4th we went out to enjoy jazz in a café. We really had a wonderful time! There were 4 instruments3 : Sax(Sachiyo Nayuki), Trumpet(Kunihiro Kikuta), Bass4(Yuta Omino), Piano(Junko Enami). You must think "A trumpet in a small space?" I know that you may think that it is too loud, but no worries5! The trumpetter could control the sound and played beautifully. His sound was so emotional and tasteful. It was really worth hearing6.
  My main interest was in Nayuki-san.(…but everybody that night was so cool seriously!) Since I saw her playing on the special stage of the Jozenji Street Jazz Festival on TV, I have been a big fan of her’s. I go to her performances whenever I have a chance. This time, the performance was at a cafe called L’EUTOPIE which opened last summer. The owner-chef of Bistro Encore opened his second place7. (So of course the food is good!) Actually Nayuki-san also played some music when Encore had its 4th year anniversary and I was there at that time, too.
  This was the second time she performed at L’EUTOPIE. (I mentioned it in my blog a little bit on November 24.) Both times I really enjoyed it. The style of music was fun. The atmosphere was nice. The seat arrangement was fun, too. Since it’s a café, I could sit right in front of them. It’s so cool to see them really close and how they are enjoying improvising8. I want to be able to improvise music like them some day…
  The saxophone player was great! The trumpetter was great! The bassist was great! The pianist was great! …. and the music which those great performers created was great! I was mesmerised9.
  If you’re interested in her music, you can enjoy it by visiting her YouTube channel : http://www.youtube.com/@sachiyonayuki She uploaded quite a few10! You can take a peek at11 her variety of music there. She also put up some music that I enjoyed the last time at L’EUTOPIE in November, which was Latino Jazz : youtu.be/XyNdelLVsDE
  p.s. Speaking of music, the big band which I belong to is now looking for a couple of trumpetters. If you’re interested, please let me know. Or if you know somebody, please tell him/her! 

1 live performance : ライブ
2 on the evening of ~ : ~の夜に
3 instrument : 楽器
4 bass : ベース
5 no worried = don’t worry
6 it is worth doing : ~する価値がある
7 place = shop/store
8 improvise : 即興で演奏する
9 be mesmerised : うっとりする
10 quite a few : かなり沢山
11 take a peek at ~ : ~をチラッと見る

1 日本語ではライブと言いますが、英語で live と言っただけでは伝わりません。形容詞として「生の」、副詞として「生で」、そして動詞で「(~を)生きる」という意味しかないからです。ライブを英訳するときは、a live concert / a live performance のように形容詞+名詞にして使いましょう。

2 単独で「午前中に」「午後」「夕方に」にと言う時は in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening ですが、曜日や日にちの説明が付くと in → on になります。
4 bass と書いて読み方は「ベイス」です!
7 place はとても便利でよく使われる言葉です。house, apartment の意味でも使われますよ!ex. Come to my place! (家においでよ!)
11 peek-a-boo (いないいないばあ)も指の間から peek チラ見していて、そこから boo(バア)ですね。





















































 もし名雪さんの演奏に興味があれば、YouTubeに行くと聴けますよ!http://www.youtube.com/@sachiyonayuki 結構な数の演奏を載せてくれています!いろんなスタイルの演奏を観ることが出来ます。また、11月に同じユートピアで堪能した音楽、らてもいくつか載せてくれていますよ。youtu.be/XyNdelLVsDE







 p.s. 音楽と言えば、私が入っているビッグバンドで今2人ほどトランペットを吹く方を探しています。もしご興味があれば、是非ご連絡ください。もしくは、どなたかご存じであればお伝えくださると助かります!宜しくお願いします。(「宜しく」はさすがに英語にはなりませんね~)




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