◆Refined Biz Sign


Refined1 Biz Sign


 No way! Was I that lazy2? Hope not. Just now, I looked for the old blog of mine to see when was the last time I worked on our business sign. I found one in June, 2012. Maybe, I fixed it one or two times after that, but I just didn’t bring it up to3 my blog, I hope!


 Anyway, once in a while, I have to redo4 our business sign because I liked the natural look on the sign, so I burned the letters using an ironing5 tool on the bare6 wood. The problem is this method means that the sign needs regular maintenance, and I didn’t have time to work on it. 


 Recently, the sign looked so bad that I had to do something.


  This time, I took Will’s suggestion. I used some paint. First, I didn’t like the idea of using paint, but paint will last longer and I won’t have to fix it as often, so I changed my mind.


  Tada! It looks like this.


  In an attempt to7 give it a natural look, instead of painting the background evenly, I used a rag8 and rubbed the paint on9. For the letters, I paid a little more and bought antique looking paint which is rusty blueish10 color with a matte finish. It looks better than I thought.


  We did one more thing to make the side of the house look better. We brought out11 the shelf I made a long time ago to use as an accent. It warms up12 the spot and kind of matches the sign’s new look!






1 refine  : ~を素敵にする
2 lazy  : 怠け者の
3 bring up : ~を持ち出す
4 redo  : ~をもう一度やり直す
5 iron  : 鉄で焼く
6 bare : 裸の
7 in attempt to + do : ~しようと
8 rag : ボロ布
9 rub ~ on : ~にこすりつける
10 blueish : 青っぽい
◆11 bring out ~ : ~を(外に)持ち出す
◆12 warm + O + up : ~を温かくさせる
8 発音注意!rugになると「敷物」










































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