Crystal Candy






 Recently, I have been making Crystal Candy* after a 2-year break1. (You can see my blog dated February 18, 2020.) I wanted to do something that I feel happy about and at the same time2 can make other people happy, especially in this gloomy3 period. I’m sure that many people feel down because of the war, the earthquakes and on top of4 all that COVID 19, right? In my case5, I also have a few more things getting me down. Anyway, I decided to take action6 to get out of my funk7. I made a list of people who I want to give this candy to.
  I made Crystal Candy 3 times. As I worked, I imagined the faces of the people I will give it to and I put my heart into8 every piece!
 It is not difficult. You just need just 3 ingredients9. You can make it in the microwave, so the process is as easy as pie10. The only catch11 is it takes a long time to dry. You have to be patient, and it takes a careful hand.  I was like a traditional artisan12
  Every part of the process is fun! — Making it is fun. Seeing it is fun. Eating it is fun. In case you want to make it, I’ll put the recipe at the end!
  Speaking of13 sweet things, I happened to find a fun treat just 2 days ago. Sakura-mochi pie at McDonald’s! Available only in this season! An old student  recommended it to my friend, she recommended it to me, and I tasted something new! It made me happy.
  How to make crystal candy:
①water 100cc
②powder Kanten 2g
③sugar(上白糖) 150g
④food coloring
*I doubled the recipe

1. Mix ① and ② in a deep bowl, and put it in a microwave for 2 minutes.
2. Add ③ and microwave it for another 2 minutes.
3. Pour it into a container and add coloring. Let sit for a while.
4. When it gets hard, cut or break it into pieces.
5. Lay them on a try, and let them dry
I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Give it a try!
*I called this candy crystals in the last blog, but now I feel like Crystal Candy fits better!

1 after a 2-year break : 2年ぶりで
2 at the same time : 同時に

3 gloomy : 陰鬱な
4 on top of ~ : ~に加えて
5 in one’s case : ~の場合は
6 take action : 行動を起こす

◆7 funk : 意気消沈
8 put my heart into ~ : ~に惹かれる

◆9 ingredients : 材料
10 as easy as pie = easy

11 catch : 問題・思わぬ障害
artisan : 職人
◆13 speaking of ~ : ~と言えば

1 今回は「2年の休憩の後で」という感じで説明してみましたが、for the first time after 2 years「2年経ったあと初めて」のような発想で説明する方法もあります。どちらにしても、日本語で副詞句的に「~ぶり」と言うように簡単にはいかないんです。(~_~;)
8 実は「心を込めて」をこんな風に文字通り訳すのは、かなりわざとらしいです。(~_~;)



























































 全ての過程が楽しいんですよ! —  作って楽しい。見て楽しい。食べて楽しい。作ってみたいと思う方のために、最後にレシピを載せておきます!


































*前のブログでは candy crystals と呼びましたが、Crystal Candy の方がもっとしっくりくると思います!




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