Our New Year’s Eve


New Year’s Eve





  Now I’m sitting in the living room with Will, our dog, Ichigo and our cat, Tasha.Time flies quickly. Another year is passing by1. December was a crazy month — A lot of stuff to do. I’m sure that everybody felt the same way.


  Now I have to slow down — time to settle down2 and enjoy family time.


  This morning I was working at my desk trying to make a dent3 in the mountain of work I have to do. In the afternoon,  as one last family house project of the year, we trimmed4 our eucalyptus tree. We were worrying because it had gotten so big (even though we trim it 2 times a year) that it started stretching out its branches and reaching to the electric and telephone lines.


  Look how airy5 it is! We removed a lot of branches and made the tree about two-thirds6 of the original height. Now we have no worries that in the New Year it will cut one of those lines. (You can see how thin it was in the blog on May 23, 2016.)


  After this big project, we decided to get out of7 the house for a change. We went to a bakery café nearby and had a nice coffee break and then dropped by8 an imported food store to buy some coffee to enjoy during the New Year’s holidays. And there we met our friends’ family whom we hadn’t met for a long time. What a fun surprise at the end of the year!

we are relaxing in a toasty9 and cozy10 living room, just kicking back11.
  In12 one and a half hours, a new year will be born — full of new possibilities!

  We wish you a happy new year!!


1 pass by : 過ぎる
2 settle down : 落ち着く
3 make a dent : へこませる
4 trim :
5 airy : (空気を含んだように)軽い
two-thirds : 3分の2
◆7 get out of ~ :~を出る
8 drop by ~ : ~に立ち寄る
◆9 toasty  : トーストのようにポカポカ温まった
◆10 cozy :
◆11 kick back : くつろぐ
◆12 in (時間)
: ~後に











  今、私はウィルと犬のいちごと猫のターシャとリビングルームに座っています。時の経つのは早いですね。また1年が過ぎ去ろうとしています。12月はクレイジーな月でした — やる事が山盛り。皆さんも同じように感じていたでしょうね。























































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