At the End of the Year!


At the End of the Year


  Now it is the night of New Year’s Eve1. Are you finally enjoying a relaxing time? I hope you are. (So I hope you are reading this after New Year’s Eve!)


  I’m finally relaxing in the living room with Will. In December, which is a busy time for everybody,  it is a bit difficult for me to write two blogs like the other months. In recent years I often write the last blog of the year on New Year’s Eve after dinner. I can enjoy it more than writing it when I’m busy.



  Today, Will put away2 our Christmas stuff3 while I was doing other things. (In western countries they usually keep Christmas decorations up for a while4 after Christmas. The Christmas holiday continues until New Year’s Day, so they keep this festive5 atmosphere6.) Since we were enjoying the warm Christmas lights and other decorations, it is always kind of7 sad to put the Christmas things away.


  I’m going to put away these red cups in which I served hot tea and coffee to my adult students for the whole month of December.


  And I’m going to say good-bye to a reindeer8 who was a new comer9 this Xmas and was sitting on the windowsill10 greeting us on cold mornings.


  Anyway, hoping to enjoy another Christmas next year, we will close our big Christmas box where we keep the tree, lights, candles, a nut cracker and Santa dolls — and put it in the closet. It was so much fun…


  Pretty soon, we will have the countdown for the New Year. Thank you to our students, my family, and 2022!!



  p.s. In the blog on Nov. 15, I mentioned that one swan in the Hirose river had died because it had bird flu and I was worried about the other swans and ducks. Fortunately, the other swans and ducks are all well!!



1 New Year’s Eve :大晦日
2 put away ~ : ~を片付ける
3 stuff = things
4 for a while : しばらく
5 festive : お祭り気分になる
6 atmosphere
: 雰囲気
7 kind of ~ : ~って感じ
8 reindeer
: トナカイ
9 a new comer : 新顔
10 windowsill : 窓枠
◆8 sidewalk : 大切な・貴重な
◆7 kind of ~ :















 今日は私が他のことをしている間、ウィルがクリスマスのものを片付けてくれました。(西洋の国では、ふつうクリスマスの後もしばらくクリスマスの飾りを出しています。クリスマス休暇は元旦まで続きますから、このクリスマスの雰囲気をそのままに過ごします。) 私たちも暖かいクリスマスの灯りや他の飾りを楽しんで来たので、いつもクリスマス飾りを片付けてしまうのはちょっと寂しい気分になります。
















































 もうすぐ新年に向けてのカウントダウンです。生徒の方たち、家族、そして2022年に、Thank you!!






 p.s. 11/15のブログで、広瀬川の白鳥が一羽鳥インフルエンザで死んでしまい、他の白鳥やカモたちのことを心配しているということを書きました。幸運なことに、他の白鳥やカモたちはみんな元気にしてますよ!


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