◆’Tis the Season!

‘Tis1 the Season!

  Soon after Will put up2 our Christmas tree, the first person(?) who enjoyed the tree was, of course, our feline3 daughter. Every year, Tasha gets excited about the tree. She sits on the branches as if she were4 the Cheshire Cat in "Alice in Wonderland".

  Maybe Will sensed it was the right time to put up the tree. Tasha was not the only thing the tree attracted, but also PRESENTS. Just 2 days later, from our friends, the first presents which could occupy5 the bottom of the tree arrived. Suddenly, the warm atmosphere of Xmas filled our living room.

  The amazing thing was our friends sent me my favorite treat6, CINNABONs! Since Will had been told by our friend that we should put them in our fridge as soon as we received the Xmas box, we opened the box quickly and moved them to the fridge7. There was no evidence8 that there were mice in the cargo9 compartment10 of the airplane!
  Will got Twinkies, too. Yeah! Now every time I open the fridge, I dream of tasting a CINNABON on Xmas day. I can’t tell how happy I am. Thank you so much, friends!
  I noticed the Twinkie package was already opened. Clearly not by a mouse. Can the bad boy still get Xmas presents, Tim?

1 ‘Tis = It is
2 put up ~  : ~を出す/建てる
3 feline : 猫の
4 as if S + V(過去形) : まるでSがVであるかのように
5 occupy : ~を占領する/埋める
6 treat : 甘いもの
7 fridge = refrigerator
8 evidence : 証拠
9 cargo : 貨物
10 compartment : 小さな部屋

1 実は私は“It’s the Season!”で書き始めました。それをウィルがこちらが良いと。クリスマスキャロルの“’Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la.”のあのフレーズです。
そう言えば…、この歌を聴くと、小学校の時に英語の意味も分からずこの歌を習った時、クラスメートがFa la laの部分を口に手を当て、何かを指さしながら「アララララララララ」と歌っていたのを今でも思い出します。S.Sくん、あなたのことですよ~!(同じ映像が脳裏に焼き付いている同級生は、他にもいるはず!(笑) — 懐かしい )






















































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